If you've been a reader of the Gear Manufacturer Blog, you know that we love bicycles. They're the most transparent example of gearing application in everyday life. In fact, we think often of the famous HG Wells quote, "Every time I see an adult on a bicycle, I no longer despair for the future." It's true: Bicycling is good exercise, doesn't pollute the environment, and it's just fun.
There's good news, recently, for bicyclists. Google Maps is adding bicycle routes to its great mapping website. Wired reports,
It is great news, and we can't wait to get out there and try out the new Google Maps functionality.“This has been a top-requested feature from Google Maps users for the last couple years,” says Shannon Guymon, product manager for Google Maps. “There are over 50,000 signatures on a petition.”
The news thrilled bike advocates, who have for years been pushing — and petitioning — the search giant to include bike routes on Google Maps. No longer do they have to rely upon paper maps or open-source DIY map hacking or crazy-cool helmet-mounted heads up iPhones.
“This new tool will open people’s eyes to the possibility and practicality of hopping on a bike and riding,” says Andy Clarke, president of the League of American Bicyclists. “We know people want to ride more, we know it’s good for people and communities when they do ride more — this makes it possible. It is a game-changer, especially for those short trips that are the most polluting.”
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