The Duke Energy Convention Center in Cincinatti, Ohio is going to be the place to be on November 1st to the 3rd if you’re in the gear-manufacturing arena. Over one-hundred distributors and manufacturers are converging to discuss every aspect of the gear industry – educational seminars discussing cutting processes, meet-and-greets with the big players in our market and even group discussions regarding customer relations will be offered.
You can find a full map and list of exhibitors on geartechnology.com to help you find your way through the incredible amount of booths that have been jam-packed into this year’s event. There’s a lot to say and a very limited time to see it all in, so we recommend taking a look at what’s happening when and where in order to plan where you’re going to be.
There are over 25 technical meeting presentations at Gear Expo 2011. While they are spread out over all three days of the event, if you plan on attending, it’s important to plan your time accordingly. There’s lots to see – but they’re well aware of this and have provided a detailed itinerary for your perusal on their website.
Let us know what exhibits you’re excited about at the Gear Expo 2011 by sounding off in the comments section below!
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